Trepaneringsritualen, Sutekh Hexen, Curse All Kings | Freakout Club
Fr., 06. Dez.
|Freakout Club
Ingresso 15€ in prevendita / 20€ alla porta riservato ai soci AICS

Zeit & Ort
06. Dez. 2024, 21:00
Freakout Club, Via Emilio Zago, 7c, 40128 Bologna BO, Italia
Über die Veranstaltung
Trepaneringsritualen was initiated in Götheborg, Göta Länder in 2008. Since then, artefacts have been issued through a number of labels including Tesco Organisation Germany, Cold Spring, Pesanta Urfolk, and Malignant Records.
Trepaneringsritualen have performed countless live rituals across the world, including festivals such as Heavy Electronics III, Stella Natura, Wave Gotik Treffen (WGT), and opening slots for a broad spectrum of artists including Old Man Gloom, Circle, Youth Code, Batushka, Kollaps, Author & Punisher, and many more.
There are in the abyss architects building great temples - spaces accessible to those who have the mind and fortitude to transgress the seen and pass into the unseen. There are those who know foundations, and those who further know adornment, where the subtle and the profound gnash their teeth. Amid splinter and nail, among cavern and spire, we find the black temples of Sutekh Hexen. Here, finely woven shrouds of static hang from clattering bones. On blinding pyres, offerings convulse, open into screams. The labyrinth collapses as soon as its center is found, and when you are offered this chance to catch your breath - take it. You will soon find yourself blindfolded, fingering crossroads, filthy with the marks of shadows older than the sun.
But savage territories yield, ultimately, to a grace of their own, discernible to the eye refined. Herein lie the guts of Sutekh Hexen's power. These are ruins reimagined, anarchic entities restrained -- though they twitch in their bindings and blister beneath our gaze. A way has been cut, yet we see that it is faceted, that it will never betray anything so evident as a single path. As bottomless as the abyss is, neither does it have a crown. The empyrean here is severe, the pits heaving and rich. The greatest subversion affected, then, by Sutekh Hexen, is the making unknown of the known, of offering a body upon which you may scratch and scratch until your nailbeds bleed and still believe you're digging at something holy.
And for all that is here profane, dead sacred are the rites of each of these offerings. These are no self-referential mirrors intended to seduce the ego. Instead, each demonstrates, unflinchingly, an encounter with those rare entities that have the power to haunt the haunted. Slippery are these altars, like honeyed knives to bone.
Grind that ear upon the temple door, and hold your teeth in your head. This exorcism's going to find its way back in. Receive it. Let it leave a mark.
- Patricia Cram
Curse All Kings is the solo offering from COMMON EIDER KING EIDER's B.S.s... Four meditations using rock, stick, dirt, antler, viola and voice create offerings aimed at the negation of life captured by domestication through capital. Feral spirits are summoned, channeled, and unleashed on a world of concrete, control, and grid in the hopes of reclaiming our dreams, our connection to the earth, and our wildness. Curse All Kings is an anarchist and animist manifesto.