Bob Log III | Freakout Club
lun. 17 juin
Ingresso 10€ in prevendita riservato ai soci AICS

Heure et lieu
17 juin 2024, 21:00
Bologna, Via Emilio Zago, 7c, 40128 Bologna BO, Italia
À propos de l'événement
BOB LOG III (Australia) Bob Log III is a slide guitar one-man band blues punk. During performances, he plays old Silvertone archtop guitars, wears a full body human cannonball suit, and a motorcycle helmet wired to a telephone receiver, which allows him to devote his hands and feet to guitar and drums. The spectacle has been described as a guitar dance party. He tours over 150 shows a year in more than 30 countries. Bob Log's version of quick Delta blues is a continuation of the sound that Bob Log and Thermos pioneered in the duo Doo Rag. The major differences are: greater emphasis on guitar showmanship, fingerpicking, and one-man-band-style drumming with his feet. Based in Tucson, Arizona, and Melbourne, Australia, he has made tours of North America, Europe, Japan and Australia, Mexico, and Iceland.