Anatomia (JP), Ossuary (US) | Freakout Club
lun 14 ott
Ingresso in prevendita: 10€ Ingresso alla porta: 15€ L'acquisto delle prevendite e l'accesso all'evento sono riservati ai soci e alle socie AICS

Quando e dove:
14 ott 2024, 21:00
Bologna, Via Emilio Zago, 7c, 40128 Bologna BO, Italia
Info sull'evento
Lunedì 14 Ottobre 2024 Freakout Club in collaborazione con Killtown Bookings presenta:
ANATOMIA (JP) Anatomia was formed back in 2002 by Takashi (Drums/Vocals), Jun (Bass), and Yoshio (Guitars), and it was like changing their name from their former Transgressor. Later in 2003, they recorded self-titled 4-track demo, which caught the attention of the US label Necroharmonic, and the year 2005 saw the release of their first full-length album Dissected Humanity. Amid the trend of ultra-fast brutal death in the scene back then, the response was quite satisfactory, and they started to get a number of offers for split releases, and so far they have released 21 splits with bands from around the world. In late 2011, they parted ways with Yoshio after performing at Rites of Darkness Fest in San Antonio. Shortly after that Yukiyasu (Guitars) joined to fill the position. Around that time, Jun and Takashi worked together and reentered the studio to record the second full-length album Decaying in Obscurity, which was later released by NWN! Production in 2012. The band have played shows outside Japan several times so far, with their first time at Kill-Town Death Fest in 2010, followed by a show in the US in 2012, a week-long tour in Europe with Undergang in 2013, and some more countries such as India, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand. In November 2017, they firmly established their style of dismal slow death metal as they describe themself by releasing the third full-length album Cranial Obsession, which was again released by NWN! Production. In December 2018, Yukiyasu left the band due to personal reasons, but soon they found a guitarist Makoto (from Funeral Moth). In mid to late 2020, Jun and Takashi worked together for another full length album titled Corporeal Torment, and with their four dismal and torturous songs it was released by Dark Descent/Me Saco Un Ojo Records in May 2021. Since that album release, they even worked on more splits; with such bands as Ruin, Undergang, Druid Lord, and Morbific, and constantly and still working on more new ones.
OSSUARY (US) Formed in the frigid Wisconsin winter of 2015, Ossuary is the manifestation of power through grief, misanthropy, and the total worship of death. Inspired by visceral loss, fueled by the agony of hopelessness, the band has no use for self-indulgent displays of technicality. Ossuary is thick, black, and scathingly sluggish--a murky, hateful exhibition of death. After four years of hibernation following 2015's Cremation Ritual, Ossuary gave us their second self-recorded release, Supreme Degradation, in the spring of 2019. The original cassette release from Darkness Shall Rise and the reissue from Maggot Stomp have both sold out, but a release on vinyl is set to come later this year from MSUO. The band has toured the United States and is traveling to Total Death Over Mexico this March.