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Random Numbers showcase: Stromboli, D. Cecchitelli - DJ Set BXP | Freakout Club

sab 07 ott



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Random Numbers showcase: Stromboli, D. Cecchitelli - DJ Set BXP | Freakout Club
Random Numbers showcase: Stromboli, D. Cecchitelli - DJ Set BXP | Freakout Club

Quando e dove:

07 ott 2023, 22:00 – 08 ott 2023, 03:00

Bologna, Via Emilio Zago, 7c, 40128 Bologna BO, Italia

Info sull'evento

Stromboli Presenta Drang (live) disco in unscita il 25 settembre su random numbers

‘Drang’ (from the German, meaning impulse, push, persistence) is the new album by Stromboli (Maple Death Records, Oltrarno Recordings), the project of Bologna-based musician Nico Pasquini. Encompassing pulsating noise, propulsive percussion, as well as moments of ecstatic flight, the album depicts a post-human world of ambiguous sentience, where the distinction between humanity and simulation has become ill-defined and illusory. In this sense, ‘Drang’ represents a paradoxical vision of rarefied perception and indeterminate forms, vivid energy and unfamiliar resonances, bold revelation and concealed currents.

Demetrio Cecchitelli (live)

Compositore e polistrumentista incline all’improvvisazione, Demetrio Cecchitelli è un autore giovanissimo segnalatosi per la sua capacità di sperimentare intersecando ambiti sonori differenti. La sua ricerca, condotta parallelamente anche con lo pseudonimo Halfcastle, si fonda sull’incrocio di istanze estratte dal lavoro pioneristico delle avanguardie del Novecento ed elementi peculiari della scena elettronica contemporanea. “Dwell”, pubblicato dall’etichetta indipendente Dornwald, lo vede proseguire lungo la rotta fin qui segnata, proponendo un’ulteriore evoluzione del suo lessico poliedrico in costante definizione.

BXP (DJ set)

Born in Sardinia and currently based in Bologna, Carlo Mameli, aka BXP, is an Italian Producer/DJ and Random Numbers label co-owner. He explores the multiple possibilities in electronic music production, with a closer look at its IDM side, ranging from ambient to techno, electro, and acid. His DJ sets are hypnotic, dry and crystalline.


- 22:00 Open - Demetrio Checkitelli (live) - Stromboli presenta Drang (live) - BXP (DJ set) - 4:00 Closing

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