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VOLUMELLA 5 - 12 Dicembre MMXXIV


Ingresso: Up to You!/// Riservato ai soci AICS


I Modern Stars sono un gruppo di Roma formato da Andrea Merolle (voce, chitarra), Andrea Sperduti (batteria), Barbara Margani (voce) e Mario Bruni (basso). La loro musica è molto istintiva, allo stesso tempo tremolante, sfocata, aerea, groovy, bizzarra, distorta, armonica e dissonante. Sono fortemente influenzati da Spacemen 3, Primal Scream e Suicide. Dal 2020 hanno pubblicato quattro album: 'Silver Needles' (2020), ‘Psychindustrial’ (2021), 'Space Trips for the Masses' (Little Cloud Records, 2022) e ‘Termination’ (2024, Clostridium Record / Little Cloud Records / Sister 9 Recordings).

Genere: Neo-Psych | Krautrock | Space Rock


I TENEBRA sono un quartetto formatosi a Bologna nel 2017i cui membri provengono dalla scena hardcore e post-hardcore cittadina (Settlefish, Assumption, Horror Vacui ed ED). Suonano un heavy rock carico di molte influenze. Esordiscono nel 2019 con l'album ‘Gen nero’, che è finito nelle classifiche di fine anno delle riviste come Blow Up e Rumore. Nella primavera del 2021 firmano per l'etichetta inglese New Heavy Sounds (Black Moth, MWWB, BlackLab, Vôdûn) per la quale pubblicano l’EP ‘What We Do Is Sacred’ (2021). Nell’aprile del 2022 pubblicano il nuovo album ‘Moongazer’ (New Heavy Sounds); tra gli ospiti c’è Gary Lee Conner degli Screaming Trees. L’album è finito tra le classifiche di fine anno di varie testate, tra cui Rumore (59° posto tra i migliori album del 2022), Blow Up (nella classifica ‘Heavy’) e Rockit.

Genere: Heavy Psych | Hard-Rock | Occult-Rock


I Lancasters sono un gruppo di Brescia formato da Davide Chiari (Tin Woodman, Centuries Reverb), Stefano Vanoni (basso), Federico Mariotto (batteria) e Andrea Cotelli (chitarra). Il progetto è ispirato alle sacre origini dell'hard rock e della musica psichedelica, più precisamente agli anni a cavallo tra il 1969 ed il 1971. Le ispirazioni artistiche della band vanno dai Led Zeppelin a Jeff Beck, da Rory Gallagher agli Orang Uthan, dai The Kinks a Terry Reid fino ai Black Sabbath. L'album omonimo di debutto è stato distribuito negli Stati Uniti e in Europa da Fuzzy Cracklins Presents (Oakland, California) nel 2019; sono seguiti diversi singoli pubblicati per Rivertale Productions tra il 2019 ed il 2022. Nel 2023 pubblicano il nuovo album 'Standard Family Size' (Retrovox Records / TRJ Records).

Genere: Hard-Rock | Psychedelic Rock



Ingresso: 15 € IN PREVENDITA / 20 € ALLA PORTA Riservato ai soci AICS


Trepaneringsritualen was initiated in Götheborg, Göta Länder in 2008. Since then, artefacts have been issued through a number of labels including Tesco Organisation Germany, Cold Spring, Pesanta Urfolk, and Malignant Records.

Trepaneringsritualen have performed countless live rituals across the world, including festivals such as Heavy Electronics III, Stella Natura, Wave Gotik Treffen (WGT), and opening slots for a broad spectrum of artists including Old Man Gloom, Circle, Youth Code, Batushka, Kollaps, Author & Punisher, and many more.

Genere: Ritual Industrial | Dark Ambient | Death Industrial | Ritual Music


There are in the abyss architects building great temples - spaces accessible to those who have the mind and fortitude to transgress the seen and pass into the unseen. There are those who know foundations, and those who further know adornment, where the subtle and the profound gnash their teeth. Amid splinter and nail, among cavern and spire, we find the black temples of Sutekh Hexen. Here, finely woven shrouds of static hang from clattering bones. On blinding pyres, offerings convulse, open into screams. The labyrinth collapses as soon as its center is found, and when you are offered this chance to catch your breath - take it. You will soon find yourself blindfolded, fingering crossroads, filthy with the marks of shadows older than the sun.

But savage territories yield, ultimately, to a grace of their own, discernible to the eye refined. Herein lie the guts of Sutekh Hexen's power. These are ruins reimagined, anarchic entities restrained -- though they twitch in their bindings and blister beneath our gaze. A way has been cut, yet we see that it is faceted, that it will never betray anything so evident as a single path. As bottomless as the abyss is, neither does it have a crown. The empyrean here is severe, the pits heaving and rich. The greatest subversion affected, then, by Sutekh Hexen, is the making unknown of the known, of offering a body upon which you may scratch and scratch until your nailbeds bleed and still believe you're digging at something holy.

And for all that is here profane, dead sacred are the rites of each of these offerings. These are no self-referential mirrors intended to seduce the ego. Instead, each demonstrates, unflinchingly, an encounter with those rare entities that have the power to haunt the haunted. Slippery are these altars, like honeyed knives to bone.

Grind that ear upon the temple door, and hold your teeth in your head. This exorcism's going to find its way back in. Receive it. Let it leave a mark.

- Patricia Cram

Genere: Black Metal | Harsh Noise | Power Electronics | Drone


Curse All Kings is the solo offering from COMMON EIDER KING EIDER's B.S.s... Four meditations using rock, stick, dirt, antler, viola and voice create offerings aimed at the negation of life captured by domestication through capital. Feral spirits are summoned, channeled, and unleashed on a world of concrete, control, and grid in the hopes of reclaiming our dreams, our connection to the earth, and our wildness. Curse All Kings is an anarchist and animist manifesto.

Genere: Dark Ambient



Ingresso: 10€ Riservato ai soci AICS


Al Wootton è un produttore, DJ, artista britannico e gestore delle etichette discografiche TRULE e Amidah Recordings. Attraverso le sue pubblicazioni su etichette come Livity Sound e Optimo Trax, oltre che sulle sue stesse etichette, esplora una zona di confine tra Techno, House, Dub, Disco, post-punk e ritmi percussivi psichedelici. È membro della band Holy Tongue, un gruppo dub psichedelico-post-punk. Ha collaborato con una vasta gamma di musicisti, tra cui Moritz Von Oswald, Moin, Valentina Magaletti, Shackleton, Ben Vince, Priori, Nabihah Iqbal e altri.

Genere: Dub | Techno | UK Garage


Il suono distintivo di Marco come produttore musicale fonde musica ambient, techno psichedelica moderna con influenze tribali profonde, creando esperienze sonore immersive che trascendono i confini convenzionali. La sua ricerca personale esplora la relazione simbiotica tra ritmo visivo, dettaglio e il linguaggio in evoluzione dell'arte visiva, influenzato dalla tecnologia e dalle sottoculture: un'esplorazione continua della sinestesia, integrando vista e suono in un modo che riflette una dedizione al minimalismo estetico, combinato con un astrattismo caotico post-internet.

Genere: Dub-Techno | Dark Ambient




Ingresso: 15 € IN PREVENDITA / 20 € ALLA PORTA Riservato ai soci AICS


Formed in Sydney by Simon Bonney at the age of 16, Crime & the City Solution’s early performances from 1977-1979 had a big impact on key figures of the early Melbourne art-punk/post punk scene. In 1984, Bad Seed Mick Harvey shipped Bonney to England to form the London based Crime with their friend, the brilliant and ever influential ex-Birthday Party guitarist, Rowland S Howard, his brother Harry Howard on bass and Epic Soundtracks on drums. Two years on, having toured Europe, the UK and US and released several EPs and an album, this lineup reached its zenith in a historic swansong performance in Wim Wenders’ cinematic masterpiece ‘Wings of Desire’.

Following the Berlin incarnation, encapsulated in Shine, The Bride Ship, Paradise Disco and the live album, The Adversary, it would be 20 years before the band, then based in Detroit, would return with 2013’s American Twilight: “as much an elegy to the American Dream that’s turned into a global nightmare as it is a damn fine rock & roll album” -The Quietus

Core members Simon Bonney and Bronwyn Adams recently returned with Crime’s sixth studio album the killer, recorded in Berlin by the second incarnation of the band to be based in the German capital.

Genere: Art-Punk | Post-Punk | Alternative Rock


Joshua Murphy is a Singer, Multi-Instrumentalist, and Songwriter. His solo debut, Lowlands was released via aufnahme + wiedergabe. Lowlands unites dark ceremonial tales, a narrative of sombre procession, atmospheric composition and evocative storytelling. Joshua Is also a member of Crime & the City Solution, the mixed multimedia project Total Temporary, & the electronic duo MILK ME.

Genere: Experimental | Folk | Cinematic



Ingresso: 15€ PRE / 20€ DOOR Riservato ai soci AICS


Simplicity is genius. Great artists can make the ostensibly impossible seem effortless. It’s in this rarefied air where you’ll find Detroit’s Apollo Brown, constantly conjuring fresh innovations out of a tried-and-true formula. For the last decade, the Mello Music Group artist has singularly re-defined and expanded the foundation of what boom bap production can sound like in the 21st Century.

This is the tradition that Apollo Brown triumphantly upholds: the head-nodding, screwface-inducing, soul-replenishing lineage of Preemo and Pete Rock, J Dilla and Large Professor, Mobb Deep and DJ Muggs. He makes music for old and young heads—bone bruising beats that summon visceral images of back alley brawls in ’81, pool hall melees, and metropolitan griminess. An East Coast sound with a midwestern mentality, channelling the marrow-freezing chill of the wind fleeing Lake Michigan.

Genere: Rap | Hip-Hop


Meet Rapper Big Pooh, also known simply as Big Pooh, an eminent figure in the alternative hip hop scene and a founding member of the revered North Carolina hip hop group, Little Brother. Born Thomas Louis Jones III, Rapper Big Pooh has been a major voice in the hip-hop community since he emerged in the early 2000s. His unique lyrical flow and storytelling prowess have set him apart in a genre often characterized by its intensity and bravado.

Not only is Rapper Big Pooh celebrated for his musical artistry, but he is also deeply embedded in vinyl culture. His passion for the physical format has contributed to a resurgence in popular interest in collecting vinyl records, making him a significant figure for enthusiasts looking to curate their collections. With multiple releases both as part of Little Brother and as a solo artist, Pooh has made a lasting impact on the music industry, garnering acclaim and respect for his authentic and relatable approach to hip hop.

Genere: Rap | Hip-Hop


Introducing Skyzoo, the lyrical powerhouse known for his captivating storytelling and profound contributions to the world of Hip-Hop. Born Gregory Skyler Taylor, Skyzoo hails from the vibrant borough of Brooklyn, New York, a cultural epicenter that has shaped his artistry. With an eclectic blend of alternative hip hop and boom bap influences, he has emerged as a voice for a generation, delivering thought-provoking narratives wrapped in infectious beats.

Skyzoo's impact on the music industry is undeniable. He has released a series of critically acclaimed albums and collaborated with heavyweights like Jill Scott, Dr. Dre, and Talib Kweli, enriching the landscape of modern rap. His passion for vinyl culture is exemplified through his commitment to high-quality pressings and unique editions that appeal to collectors and enthusiasts alike. As he puts it, "Lyrics Will Never Be The Same," a testament to his dedication to pushing boundaries and redefining what hip-hop can be.

Genere: Rap | Hip-Hop


QAEL è un artista poliedrico che si distingue come Beatmaker, rapper songwriter e DJ. La sua carriera musicale ha origine nel mondo del writing, dove ha scoperto una naturale inclinazione per il freestyle, alimentata dalla passione per i giradischi. Dopo anni di gavetta, tra sound system e collaborazioni con il collettivo PSALM, ha realizzato il suo primo demo, "Un modo di agire". Trasferitosi a Bologna, ha avuto l'opportunità di condividere il palco con artisti di spicco come: Reks, Inoki, Okvsho, Moddi, Soulboy, Next one, Coez, Dj Shocca, Dj Trix, Dj Lugi e molti altri artisti.

Nel 2017, QAEL ha pubblicato l'EP "Essenzialmente Soul" prodotto da Natty Dub (Funk shui project) che ha segnato una tappa importante nel suo percorso musicale. Successivamente, ha esplorato il mondo del beatmaking, rilasciando il suo primo Beat tape "Dream tape" nel 2021 e l'album "The Sample Cave" nel 2023 entrambi usciti per la label Bolognese “Beat’s Tailors”.

Il suo più recente lavoro, l'EP "Istinto", è uscito nel maggio 2024, confermando la sua continua evoluzione artistica e la sua capacità di innovare nel panorama musicale.

Ad oggi ha collaborato con il rapper e autore Amir Issaa producendo tutte le basi dell’intero EP “New Balance”.

Genere: Rap | Hip-Hop





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